Digital tour in Noord Brabants Museum

Digitale tour met Lucas de Man / Het Noord Brabants Museum
Noord Brabants Museum
April 14, 2020

Now that the museums are closing their doors due to the risk of COVID-19 contamination, all kinds of virtual opportunities are being developed to pay a visit to the museum. For example, the NoordBrabants Museum in 's-Hertogenbosch developed a digital tour through the museum with theater maker and art lover Lucas de Man. Lucas guides you through the various art treasures of the museum and asks various people involved about the collection.
He also walks along the entrance square and through the leafy inner garden of the museum and questions Frank Meijer / MTD landscape architects about his motives and inspirations in the design of the gardens, patios and squares of the museum.
It offers an intimate and inspiring glimpse into the museum!

Digital tour with Lucas De Man | Het Noordbrabants Museum