- gemeente Eindhoven
Year of design
- 2022 - 2023
Activities MTD
spatial and programmatic framework
- public space
- urban development plans
- business parks
- infrastructure
- vision
With the creation of the Area Vision for the Eindhoven Airport District (EAD), a significant step has been taken in strengthening and further developing the Eindhoven airport area into a cohesive and future-proof whole. In the coming years, the area will transform into a powerful hub in Eindhoven, adding clear value to both its immediate surroundings and the broader city, Van Gogh National Park, and the region.
One of the main ambitions for the EAD is to better connect Eindhoven Airport, Flight Forum, and the Brainport Industries Campus. In 2022, MTD landscapearchitects was commissioned to develop the spatial-programmatic framework for the Eindhoven Airport Boulevard. The Luchthavenweg will undergo a transformation from a route for cars and heavy traffic into the vibrant heart of the EAD. It will become a climate-adaptive, green boulevard for pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport users, with pleasant places to stay, inviting plinths, and a wide variety of functions.
MTD landscapearchitects aims to inspire with the boulevard concept for the Luchthavenweg, showcasing the many possibilities of this location to property owners, entrepreneurs who wish to establish themselves here, and users; employees, travelers, and future residents. The focus is on improving crossability and programming the public space with pavilions aimed at meeting and staying.
The development of the Eindhoven Airport Boulevard provides the opportunity to design the public space in a way that enhances the green ambitions of the municipality of Eindhoven. By downgrading the traffic functions on the Luchthavenweg and organizing central parking facilities, space is created for additional greenery and recreational areas, with a focus on centrally located public transport and connections with shared mobility.
The green-blue framework provides cooling and plays an important role in mitigating the impact of peak rainfall and prolonged periods of drought. The high diversity of native planting offers a high-quality habitat for local animal and insect species, and is also of great value for the physical and mental health of users.