Nature inclusive city

natuurinclusieve stad 1
natuurinclusieve stad 2
natuurinclusieve stad 3
natuurinclusieve stad 4
natuurinclusieve stad 5
natuurinclusieve stad 6
natuurinclusieve stad 7

An important ambition of the office is to create healthy cities in which it is pleasant to live, reside and work, now and in the future. A city as a green oasis where a multitude of animal species live and an extensive network of green-blue connections forms a natural structure of the urban environment. Nature and city are not so much seen as two opposites, but as a coherent system.

Nature and city are not so much seen as two opposites, but as a coherent system.

In its urban projects, the office looks for intelligent and integrated solutions. Rainwater and peak precipitation is stored for longer and returned to the soil as much as possible. This solution for water management and infiltration reduces the Urban Heat Island effect and flooding risk on the one hand and has a positive effect on strengthening urban biodiversity on the other. This approach creates space within each project for flexibility and surprising solutions in which people, animals and plants find their place.