Spring vibes at Fort Isabella

Fort Isabella markt
Fort Isabella markt
Fort Isabella markt
Fort Isabella markt
May 16, 2024

From barracks to a unique, small-scale, and leafy residential and work area: Isabella in Vught has undergone a remarkable transformation. Since 2017, MTD Landscape Architects has been involved in the development of the fort.

As a landscape architecture firm, MTD Landscape Architects was involved in the preparation of the landscape and urban planning masterplan, as well as the layout plan for the common areas. Nothing is more satisfying than when such plans subsequently result in new experiences and happy users.

Recently, the Trots Markt took place at Fort Isabella. It was a delightful spring day where residents, workers, and visitors strolled through the area; unique handmade products and art were displayed, and people enjoyed (local) delicacies. From June 7th to 9th, the next event is already planned – the Food Truck Festival Rrrollend. Once again, it's a great opportunity for young and old to get acquainted with Fort Isabella!

Check @fortisabella on Instagram for more information.