Revitilization of Wilhelminapark, Tilburg

Wilhelminapark 2
Wilhelminapark 1
Wilhelminapark 3
Wilhelminapark 4
Wilhelminapark 5
Wilhelminapark 6
May 3, 2024

MTD landscape architects was commissioned by the municipality of Tilburg in the summer of 2023 to draw up a Strategic Concept and Development Plan for the Wilhelmina Park in Tilburg. The reasons for this are the Green Code, drawn up earlier by the agency in collaboration with the municipality of Tilburg, which highlights the potential of the park as a stepping stone for an important recreational and ecological connection from the city to the landscape bordering the city, and the appreciation of the park as a municipal monument.

The Strategic Concept and Development Plan for the Wilhelmina Park are largely based on the aforementioned Green Code (MTD landscape architects 2023), the Garden Historical Analysis and Valuation for the Wilhelmina Park (Anja Guinee, 2023) and the Area Agenda for the Museum Quarter (municipality of Tilburg; 2022). Central ambitions are to strengthen the Wilhelmina Park as a focal point within the Museum Quarter, to strengthen the cohesion of the park and its urban development walls, to improve the crossingability of the adjacent streets, to strengthen the cultural-historical values of the original park design by L.H. Springer, but also transforming the underplanting and the tree stock, strengthening the ecological values and biodiversity, strengthening social safety and programming the park, without damaging the cultural-historical values. In short, a complex and ambitious task, with which the municipality of Tilburg shows that it pursues an integrated approach to strengthening the green-blue and residential qualities of its city.