Participative communication process in planning the Maarsbergen railway underpass

Spooronderdoorgang fietspad visual
Spooronderdoorgang visual
Plankaart inpassing spooronderdoorgang N226 Maarsbergen
Huidige situatie
July 29, 2021

In Maarsbergen the level crossing is disappearing; this will be replaced by a grade-separated railway underpass. This will greatly improve traffic safety, traffic flow and quality of life in Maarsbergen. In the past period, MTD landscape architects, in collaboration with engineering firm Roelofs and in consultation with the residents involved, entrepreneurs and official experts, have worked intensively on drawing up an Aesthetic Program of Requirements (EPvE) and a Program of Requirements (PvE) planting scheme. The aim here is to drastically improve the spatial quality of the area with the proposed interventions. Particular attention was paid to the participatory communication process, which was completely digital due to the limitations in the context of COVID-19.
The basis for the EPvE and SoR are the decision of the Maarsbergen steering group and the Spatial Framework that has already been drawn up, as these form part of ProRail's tender dossier.

EPvE and SoR Planting Maarsbergen Rail Underpass describe the final picture of the rail underpass and set preconditions for the spatial quality and more specifically for the planting along the route. The plans have been worked out in detail for each location, so that it is clear in advance for all involved what the final image will be. The wishes, requirements and ideas of those involved were mapped in advance. This is to make optimal use of the extra budget made available for the benefit of spatial quality.
At the end of 2020, a number of webinars and digital walk-in meetings were organized for residents, entrepreneurs and official experts, after which the integration plans for the railway underpass were presented to all parties involved again in the spring of 2021. Individual interviews were also held to discuss wishes in detail.
The concepts and intermediate products were presented to the environment in a digital environment. The residents, entrepreneurs and official experts involved were continuously given the opportunity to put forward additional wishes.

In the planning process, the Q-team, the Provincial Spatial Quality Advisor and the Welstandscommissie of the municipality of Utrechtse Heuvelrug worked together. The end products were assessed by the Q-team and official experts, after which the documents were approved by the Province of Utrecht.
The project is currently being prepared for tender, with the aim of completion between 2023 and 2027.