Koen works as a landscape designer at MTD landscape architects. In 2021 he obtained his diploma for the study Management of the Living Environment, Landscape Design at the HAS University of Applied Sciences in 's-Hertogenbosch. During his studies he gained practical experience and worked at West 8 Urban Design & Landscape Architecture. His graduation project preliminary study 'Versailles of the North - Van Gogh National Park' i.c.w. West 8 was nominated for the KuiperCompagnons graduation prizes of the Blauwe Kamer.
Koen's activities lie in the playing field between landscape design and urban planning. His qualities are best expressed within the process from sketch design to final design. This is where his creativity, analytical skills, design based on experience and imagination come into their own. Koen is involved in various projects at different scale levels; for example, he worked on the landscape structure and design plans for Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven Airport and master plan Linie 1629.